2018 Chamber Series
The Art of Chamber Performance
NYO-China returned this past summer to present the 2018 Chamber Series, a residency and concert tour focused exclusively on the art of chamber music performance. The program provided 21 young musicians the opportunity to spend two weeks immersed in the study of several great works of chamber music and thereafter perform their works side-by-side with their faculty members in a series of recitals held throughout China.
Qing Li
Astonishing in her musical versatility, Qing Li brings great warmth, poise, and insight to her music making. She is the Baltimore Symphony’s Principal Second Violin and a sought-after recitalist, chamber musician, and guest concertmaster. Li is currently also a violin faculty member of the Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University. She gives master classes throughout the American, Asian, and South American major conservatories and international festivals. Born in Beijing, China, Li began violin studies at age four with her father. At age 12, Qing Li was accepted to the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and later continued her studies at Peabody on full scholarship. She currently performs on a Neopolitain instrument made by Nicolo Gagliano in 1736.
Yong Ma
Yong Ma is Principal Flute at the China National Opera and has been hailed by the New York Concert Review as a player of “astonishing brilliance.” Mr. Ma began studying flute at the age of eight in China and later became a student of Yongxin Wang at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. In 1996, Mr. Ma came to the United States and later earned both his Bachelor and Master degrees from the Juilliard School in New York, where he studied with Carol Wincenc and Robert Langevin. Before his current role at the China National Opera, he served as Principal Flute in the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra and the Louisville Orchestra. He has performed with the New York Philharmonic, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Malaysian Philharmonic, and the Juilliard Orchestra.
Guang Cheng
Guang Chen is currently an associate professor at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, the Chief Executive Director of China’s Orchestra Academy, and the Visiting Principal Trumpeter with the China National Symphony Orchestra. He is a former student of Professor Ji Rui-kai and in 1999 he was sponsored by the Zubin Mehta Scholarship to study at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna. Since graduating in 2005, Guang Chen has performed as the visiting Principal Trumpeter for multiple world famous orchestras including the China Philharmonic Orchestra, the National Ballet of China, and many other municipal orchestras. In addition, Guang Chen has consistently been named by CCTV one of the Top Ten Trumpeters in China.

Halfway through their residency, NYO-China’s students had the opportunity to “warm up” by presenting a portion of their concert program in a concert event held at the Yale Center Beijing. Little did they know… the event was live-streamed to over 150,000 viewers across China!
After two weeks of preparation, the Chamber Series officially began with a sold-out debut in the Central Conservatory of Music’s Opera and Concert Hall, in which students performed side-by-side with their faculty mentors. The concert was praised as “a huge success, of high artistic quality” by the Chinese Literary Critics’ Society.
Two days after their debut, several of NYO-China’s chamber ensembles performed alongside members from Carnegie Hall’s NYO-USA (itself on tour throughout Asia) in a program presented in the United States Embassy in Beijing, with United States Ambassador Terry Branstad in attendance.
Following their stint in Beijing, NYO-China’s students continued on to perform in a sold-out concert at NYU-Shanghai, where the ensemble was officially welcomed by Lizhong Yu, Chancellor of NYU-Shanghai. After the performance, students enjoyed a post-concert reception with many friends and family in attendance.
NYO-China next performed at the Chuansha Piano Festival in a special event held in memory of Huang Zi, the first Chinese graduate of the Yale School of Music. The ensemble was honored to be welcomed by Keng Zhou, Professor of Piano at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, and Xiaogang Ye, NYO-China's Tuan Zhang.
The 2018 Chamber Series concluded with a featured performance in the Eurochestries Festival, held just outside of Qingdao. After the concert, students, mentors and staff enjoyed a final dinner by the sea; a fitting conclusion for a wonderful three weeks spent making music together.

NYO-China held its 2018 residency on the campus of the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, widely considered to be one of the finest musical institutions in the world. Students there participated in an intensive set of rehearsals meant to provide an intimate feel for the art of chamber music performance. In their spare time, members were able to participate in Beijing’s many cultural offerings, including performances at the nearby National Center for the Performing Arts.
Rehearsals at CCOM
NYO-China’s students participated in an intensive set of rehearsals under the close supervision of faculty artists Qing Li, Yong Ma, and Guang Chen. Members spent the full two week residency engaged in a deep study of two or three of the great works spanning the chamber repertoire, participating in multiple rehearsals every day with their ensemble and faculty coach. Students also received weekly private lessons and masterclasses from instrumental faculty including some of Beijing's most prominent educators and were able to take advantage of ample time for individual practice and group rehearsal.

Class of 2018
The 21 members of NYO-China’s inaugural class were selected through a competitive online audition process which received applications from over one hundred exceptionally qualified young artists. They range in age from 14 to 21, hail from all across China, and live and study on three continents. Together, they represent some of the finest musical talent of their generation.
Yubo Cao
Middle School of the Central Conservatory of Music
Yiqing Fu
Peabody Institute of Music
Hanke Li
Middle School of the Central Conservatory of Music
Yixiang Wang
Middle School of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music
Junyi Li
Middle School of the Xinghai Conservatory of Music
Yujie Zeng
Middle School of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music
Zhihong Li
Mannes School of Music
Tiancheng Zhu
Matthew McNair Secondary School
Yaxin Dang
Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Zishu Xie
Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Ning Zhang
The Juilliard School
Huibin Zou
Cleveland Institute of Music
Jinren Cheng
Middle School of the Central Conservatory of Music
Yichuan Wang
Middle School of the Central Conservatory of Music
Jingyang Wang
Middle School of the Central Conservatory of Music
Yicheng Gong
French Horn
Middle School of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music
Jihan Zhang
French Horn
Shandong Jinan No. 13 Middle School
Zhaoting Liu
Beijing Bayi High School
Tianqi Wu
Sichuan Conservatory of Music
Puyuan Chen
Manhattan School of Music
Di Zhou
Shenzhen Longhua Middle School